New Champion Rengar Wild Rift Rengar : The Pridestalker Role: Assassin / Fighter Abilities: battle roar, bola strike, savagery, thrill of the hunt, unseen predator Attack speed: 0.679[+2.85% per level] Attack damage: 60.04[+3 per level] Armor: 25.88[3.5% per level] Abilites Passive : while in brush , basic attack cause leap towards his enemies/target . Leaping combat generates 1 ferocity and after 4 ferocity it empowered next ability. B casting and empowered abilities grant 30/40/50% [based your level] movement speed for 1.5 sec and if player is killed in that time[1.5sec] then Rengar's damage increased permanently. Savagry : I ts 1st skill/ability is if next 2 attack within 3 sec ...